MADA in its 8 months of existence has achieved quite a few feats in its campaign against drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. In
line with its aims and objectives, MADA has organized a number of workshops and public lectures. In six secondary schools
within the Agona District of the Central Region of Ghana, MADA has established anti-drug abuse and HIV/AIDS
clubs for the students. The members of the clubs are taken on periodic trips to places like psychiatric hospitals and other towns
to give talks and educate their Junior Secondary Schoolbrothers and
sisters on the drug abuse and the HIV/AIDS problem.
Regular training
programmes, workshops and seminars are organized by MADA to sensitize its members on the issues at stake. Workshops and seminars
have also been organized for all Teachers in Charge of Health Services in all the schools within two district areas in the
country. Such topics like How to identify and Counsel the Drug User in the Classroom are taught at such forums, which have
been of immense benefits to the teachers in understanding the behavior patterns of their wards.
The Church is also playing an important role in MADA programmes.
Twelve drug users are at present registered with MADA for its Rehabilitation scheme. These are given counseling by qualified
councilors from the clergy. These patients after their rehabilitation period are hoped will be given a chance to restart a
productive life by undergoing training in a vocational training school which is hoped will be established by MADA.
MADA is reaching out
and appealing to all individuals charity organizations and sister organizations to make this possible by contributing to it
for the establishment of its first rural community pocket vocational training institute in Ghana.
Philanthropists and Organizations worldwide interested in contributing to MADAs programmes or are interested in affiliation
ventures with MADA should contact:
The Coordinator MADA
P.O. Box 104
Agona Nyakrom
Central Region
Tel: 233-020-8149305