of MADA will be composed of all people who are genuinely interested in contributing to
the fight against drug abuse and HIV/AIDS such as:
a) Teachers,Doctors,industrialists, Senior Secondary School
Public and private sectors
c) Business
d) Individual schools of social work
Activities set up by MADA are open to all members.
In order to involve as many social workers in relevant activities as possible, the Executive Committee may open participation
to other non-member schools, organizations and individuals. A member may be expelled for a period or expelled for causes such
as violation of the constitution or rules of the Organization. Suspension or expulsion shall be by a two-thirds vote of the
membership of the Executive Committee present and voting. The member will be given notice of the time and place where an opportunity
will be provided to present a defense. Membership ceases with the cessation of the Organization as a legal entity. Only members
of MADA will be given reference cases by the R.C.S.C. Such members will be allowed to charge a small fee subsidized by MADA
for their services.