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THE MADA conception              

 This is in response to the increasing cry against the drug abuse and HIV/AIDS menace which is threatening our society. MADA hopes to identify the menace of the production, sale, and the use of narcotic and psychoactive drugs and the effects it has on the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic by creating awareness in the public to the hazards and consequences in the abuse of illicit drugs in our society. That is the financial, socio-economical, physical and mental aspects of this practice by providing advice in the control and finding eventual solutions to the problem. MADA is also mandated to establish a REHABILITATION CONSULTANCY SERVICES CENTER (R.C.S.C) WHOSE MANDATE WILL BE TO OFFER CONSULTANCY SERVICES to drug addicts, psychiatric patients and HIV/AIDS victims and help them to be reabsorbed into our productive society. MADA is therefore involved in coordinating an intensive nationwide campaign against drug abuse in Ghana.






The abuse of illicit drugs such as cocaine, PCP, marijuana, heroin, etc. causes such damaging effects on our society and economy. Economically, drug above has been proven to be a major factor causing inflation in our national economy, resulting in drawbacks in our national development. Majority of the Ghanaian population are based in the rural communities which in turn has led to high levels of economic inflation in these areas. This is from the fact that most of the population are not in the productive class because they are either underaged or untrained in any form of vocation. It also been established that in the rural communities the abuse of illicit drugs such as marijuana and alcohol consumption is so rampant that it has reached an alarming rate and needs to be addressed. Most teenage mothers are victims of drug related sexual practices. Unsuspecting females are lured into taking some of these drugs and when they got intoxicated are subjected to rapes or unprotected sex. This contributes to unwanted pregnancies and the spread of diseases such as HIV/AIDS which according to The National Aids Commission is spreading at the rate of 200 victims per day in Ghana and is threatening our very existence as a people.

    Statistics show that in the rural communities, one out of every five inhabitants between the ages of 12yrs and 20yrs take a form of hard drug while 1 out of 3 people take alcoholic drinks. Half of this number takes it in excesses. In 90% of houses in the rural communities, there is at least one teenage mother. Out of 20 teenage mothers interviewed 65% admitted that they were influenced and got used to excessive drinking which in turn got them pregnant. In the Brong Ahafo Region, it was discovered that 397 Junior Secondary School students who are between the ages of 13yrs and17yrs were drug users (Weekly Spectator 5/11/02). From statistical facts 59,960kg of cocaine, 22.3kg of heroine, and 867,029kg of cannabis (marijuana) were seized in the year 2001 alone (Weekly spectator 6/10/2001).

This shows an alarming rate at which illicit drugs are in demand in our Ghanaian society. The production, sale and use of illicit drugs create various problems for various institutions and sectors of the public including schools, the health sector, parents, guardians etc. This means that drug abuse affects every family in our society. It has been believed that the largest target groups of illicit drug dealers are the youth in our schools. This is not true. Every individual is a target of these nefarious dealers.      The conclusions drawn from these research results are that since 80% of the Ghanaian population are found in the rural communities, the high rate at which drugs are abused by the population in these communities have had adverse effects in the economic development of the communities and our National Economy as a whole and special efforts need to be made to curb this trend of social vices from our rural communities.   

 Unfortunately there is a limited forum through which professionals and concerned citizens can render help and advice on this dangerous practice. The observed consequences resulting from this acute shortage of such an organization in our society are:

   i.            The only board set up to fight this drug abuse menace; the Narcotics Control Board (N.C.B) is mainly focused in fighting the trading and distribution of these harmful substances by being the law enforcer with little compliment to education and prevention programs.

ii.            Due to these particular forceful and sometimes violent methods of fighting the drug problem, traders have also devised more sophisticated methods of going about their business, thus complicating matters.

iii.            The rather brutal ways and uneasy publicity of the drug trade have rather had adverse effects by causing the realization in the public to the huge profits that could be made from the production and sale of these drugs make people go more and more into the trading of the substance.




In response to the problem of increased illicit drug usage and the subsequent increase in their trading in our Ghanaian society, an organization Movement for Anti- Drug Abuse (MADA) has been proposed to coordinate a nationwide intensive campaign on drug abuse and HIV/AIDS in our country. This Organization will be sponsored mainly by charity from the public, institutions, governments, business and the private sectors of society.

By achieving their set goals MADA seeks to:

     i.            Help strengthen the already existing law enforcement agency and governmental agencies in their fight against illicit drug usage and HIV/AIDS.

 ii.            To carry out the business of educating the public and training personnel in carrying out extensive field work in the fight against illicit drug and their abuses and the HIV/AID pandemic.

iii.            To get itself in communication with other like organizations within and outside our national boundaries using the Internet.

iv.            Protect promote and advance the knowledge of the consequences of drug abuse and HIV/AIDS in our daily lives by organizing seminars, conferences, lectures, symposiums, workshops, public debates and other practical or theoretical methods at sub-regional, regional and national levels.

   v.            To print and publish any newsletters, periodicals, bulletins, books or leaflets to promote MADAs broad objectives.

vi.            To help establish a Rehabilitation Consultancy Services Center (R.C.S.C.) which will help to;    

b.                      To provide consultancy services to individuals and families with drug, drinking or HIV/AIDS problems either psychological or physical.

c. Recommend appropriate methods of solutions to the problem by advising where to go; who to meet; and what to do for therapy.

d.                      Establish pocket vocational training schools in all districts in Ghana to help train reformed drug users and HIV/AIDS victims in vocational skills

Vii    Provide statistical support to institutions and government HIV/AIDS and drug control boards.

Viii   By helping school dropouts to reenter school and also helping drug addicts and HIV/AIDS victims to develop some basic skills so that they can be reabsorbed into productive society.

ix.        By establishing anti-HIV/AIDS and drug abuse clubs in schools

x.            Training teachers in how to identify and counsel the Drug User in the classroom.  We hope you'll find the information you needed on this site about our organization and the services we provide.

We look forward to hearing you.