I.        Name

II.     Purpose

III.    Membership

IV.    Administration organization

V.     Meeting

IV.    Financing

VII.   Amendments


Mission statement

The Movement for Anti-Drug Abuse (MADA) is an organization which is made up of dedicated men and women who are determined to fight against the drug abuse menace and its negative consequences concerning the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic which is threatening our existence as a people.  Its mission is to help assist the already existing law enforcement and other governmental agencies in their fight against illicit drug usage and the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.


In fulfilling its mission MADA adheres to all the companies code act of the Republic of Ghana and all codes and conventions on human rights and freedom and justice and peace.  Members of MADA are unified in the fight against drug abuse and HIV/AIDS.

1. Movement for Anti-Drug Abuse (MADA).



The purpose of MADA is to identify the harm done in the production, sale and use of narcotic and psychoactive drugs and the effects it has in the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic by creating awareness in the public and the consequences in the abuse of illicit drugs in our society. That is financially, socio-economically, physically, and mentally and by providing advice in the control and finding eventual solutions to the problem.  MADA is also mandated to establish a Rehabilitation Consultancy Services Center (RCSC) to offer consultancy services to drug addicts, psychiatric patients and HIV/AIDS victims who need to be reaccepted into society.  It is proposed to achieve the above aims through such means as:

i) Helping strengthen the already existing law enforcement and government agencies in their fight against illicit drug usage and HIV/AIDS

ii) Carrying out the business of educating the public and training personnel in offering extensive field work in the fight against illicit drug HIV/AIDS.

iii) Getting itself in communication with other like organizations within and outside our national boundaries using the Internet.

iv) Printing and publishing any news letters periodicals, bulletins, books or leaflets to promote MADAs broad objectives.

v) Helping to establish a Rehabilitation Consultancy Services Centre (RCSC).


Which will help to:

a) Provide consultancy services to individuals

    and families with drug, drinking or

    HIV/AIDS problems


b) Recommend appropriate solutions to the

    problem by advising where to go, who to

    meet and what to do for therapy.


vi) Providing statistical support to institutions  

    and government HIV/AIDS and drug control

    boards etc.

Vii) Helping school dropouts to re-enter school

     and also helping drug addicts to develop

    some basics skills so they can be reabsorbed

    into society.

viii) Protecting, promoting and advancing the

       knowledge of the consequences of drug

       abuse and HIV/AIDS in our daily lives by

       organizing seminars, lectures etc.

ix)   Establishing anti-drug abuse and HIV/AIDS

       clubs in schools.

x)                Organizing special workshops to educate

       teachers on how to identify and handle

       drug users in the classroom.


iii)       MEMBERSHIP

     Membership of MADA will be composed of

    all people who are genuinely interested in

   contributing   to the fight against drug abuse

    HIV/AIDS such as:

a)        Teachers, Doctors, industrialists, Senior

     Secondary School Leavers.

     b)  Public and private sectors

c)   Business community

d)                Individual schools of social work                                                          

        Activities set up by MADA are open to all members. In order to involve as many social workers in relevant activities as possible, the Executive Committee may open participation to other non-member schools, organizations and individuals. A member may be expelled for a period or expelled for causes such as violation of the constitution or rules of the Organization. Suspension or expulsion shall be by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the Executive Committee present and voting. The member will be given notice of the time and place where an opportunity will be provided to present a defense. Membership ceases with the cessation of the Organization as a legal entity. Only members of MADA will be given reference cases by the R.C.S.C. Such members will be allowed to charge a small fee subsidized by MADA for their services.        



     1. Administrative Bodies





This body receives the Executive Coordinators report and if necessary reports of other sub-committees. It will recommend and approve past and present activities and recommend priorities. It will conduct such business as may be conducted by the Executive Committee. By law the Board of Advisors is empowered to:

·      Appoint, suspend and discharge the members of the Executive Committee.

·      Approve the balance sheet

·      Amend the articles of the Organization and may dissolve the Organization

·      Overrule the Executive Committees decision not to admit a would be member.

·      Take a decision in an appeal against expulsion from the membership.

It will elect the Executive Coordinator, the Treasurer and the Secretary and the Members of the Executive Committee, either at a board meeting or by postal ballot. A Chairman who will be given a mandate through a vote by the members will head this Board. The duties of the of the Chairman will be to ensure the smooth running of the Executive arm of the Organization.


B.    Executive Committee


    The Executive Committee shall serve as the

Executive arm for MADA and shall be responsible for the development and implementation of the policy of MADA and the management of its affairs.

ii) The Executive Committee shall consist of an

    Executive Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer. The Executive Coordinator, Treasurer and Secretary shall be determined by elections by those on the Board of Advisors.

 The immediate past Executive Coordinator may serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Executive Committee for a period of four years.


2. Duties of members:

Members of all categories must, to the best of their ability, safeguard and the interests of the organization, pay the stipulated dues, and act in accordance with the Constitution and the resolutions of the organization.


Executive Coordinator

The Executive Coordinator is the official representative of the organization,and according to the constitution of MADA, a member of the Board of Advisors of MADA.  He/she shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee; shall act as Head of MADA in the direction of its business and in the enforcement of the Constitution; shall sign and execute in the name of the Organization necessary contracts and other instruments and shall be responsible for their implementation.  He shall also oversee the activities of R.C.S.C.                             



The Treasurer shall have such duties relating to the funds of the Organization as may be specified by the Executive Committee and shall render an annual report to the Committee and to the Board of Advisors.  He/She represents the Organization in financial arrangements and shall serve as adviser to the Executive Committee in banking, funding and other fiscal requirements.  He/She is responsible for the external auditing of the accounts of the Organization each year.



The Secretary shall have duties related to the official records of the Organizations Executive Committee, Board of Advisors, Constitution and Letters of Incorporation.  The Secretary shall have official co-signing authority with the Executive Coordinator and the Treasurer for all official documents.  The Secretary shall be responsible for certifying membership in all of the categories.

The secretary shall be responsible for sending out the agenda for the organization no later than 40 days before that meeting.


 Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act on behalf of the members:

a.  To fill in any vacancies in its membership, which may occur in the interval between meetings by co-option, is subject to ratification at the next meeting.

b.  To make provision for an annual audit for

 the books of the organization.

c.   To settle disputes among members of the


d.   to undertake such other actions as shall

      promote the purpose of the Organization.

e.  The Executive Committee is accountable to

      the Board of Advisors.


3.    Principal Offices

A.     The principal offices of the organization shall be within the same locations as the Executive Coordinator, Treasurer and Secretary, respectively.

V. Meetings

A.          The Board of Advisors shall meet at least twice a year

B.           Annual Meetings

The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a month.  Notice of the meeting, signed by the Secretary shall be mailed at least ten days before the time appointed for the meeting. The general Membership shall meet at least once a month. The Secretary to this effect shall give notice.

C.           Special Meetings

Special board meetings may be called at any time at the request of the Executive Coordinator and the Majority of the Executive Committee, or 1/3 of the Membership.

Notice of any special meeting is to be given in the same manner as for the Annual Meeting of the Executive Committee except for emergency meetings.  No business other than that specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted.

VI.  Financing

The activities of the MADA are financed through;

A.            Membership dues

a.                Membership is maintained by payment of dues in such amounts as may be determined by the Executive Committee.

b.                All dues must be paid bi-annually.  Membership is automatically terminated upon non-payment of dues over a period of one year.  Members of any category thus terminated may re-apply for membership in the manner prescribed for new members of such category

c.                 Subsides

d.                Projects and consultations

e.                Inheritances and gifts

f.                  Sale of publications

g.                Registration fees at seminars, workshops, congresses Expenditure necessary to conduct the affairs for the organization may be made by the Executive Co-coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, as approved in the budget.

B.             The fiscal year of the Organization shall be January I through to December 31.

C.            There shall be an external Audit of the accounts of the Organization each year, by an Auditor duly appointed by the Executive Committee.

D.            The Executive Committee shall approve a budget t least twice in a year in consistent with the policies approved by the Board of Advisors.

E.             A Reserve Fund shall be established and protected for the dissolution of MADA.  The Fund shall accumulate until it equals the amount needed to cover the costs of the dissolution if the Board of Advisors votes to discontinue the MADA office secretariat.

VII.  Amendments

A.                This Constitution can be amended by a resolution for a majority of 2/3 of the voting members present at the Board Meeting or at a special meeting, providing that the item appears on the agenda, or by postal ballot.

B.                 Amendments to the Constitution shall be circulated to the membership and reported and decided by the Board of Advisors.

VIII.   Dissolution of MADA

The dissolution of MADA can take place only at a Board of Advisors meeting convened especially for this purpose and shall require a two-thirds majority of the voting members presents.


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